This report provides guidelines for use of ARISE training system by approved training providers. It is an output of the task 7.3 Accreditation that included activities to establish quality standards for training providers to use ARISE qualification framework, training modules and learning environment, such as registration, quality assurance with regards to delivery and verification of assessment, verification procedures for both deliveries of training and assessment of learners.

Objective of the Report 7.3 is to produce a set of guidelines intended for training providers, for their use of ARISE training and upskilling methods and platform operations, including learning management system and records of learner achievements, in training delivery.

The purpose of these Guidelines is to explain the process and methods for quality assurance and quality control of applied ARISE training system. The report includes description of approval standards for delivery, registration of learners, verification of assessment and certification.

ARISE is planned to be delivered by registered training institutions, that will be obliged to follow this specification.

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