This report contains a set of recommendations for adaptation of the by ARISE proposed recognition on BIM and EE-skills. To facilitate the adaptation of the proposed recognition by national branches the following strategy is presented.

The use of the buildingSMART qualification system already accepted worldwide will be mapped against the micro learning units presented within the ARISE platform.

Once this has been accomplished, we can propose to DG growth, which is promoting the acceleration of the digitalization of the building permit, to use the same content for a more advanced training addressed to municipalities.

The DG growth initiative, in fact, is only the starting point of a process that begins with the maturity analysis of European municipalities in terms of competences of the technical offices and foresees the drafting of a roadmap to reach higher maturity levels. The training provided by ARISE could be included in this roadmap.

These opportunities need to be integrated with national specific needs that will be proposed, as example, in two or three countries.

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