This document summarises the process and upskilling actions related to the Trial testing of the digital tools, and its outputs and findings. These form a crucial part in the ARISE success, from which a significant part of the projects intended impacts can be measured.
Following the platform’s development, the pre-production activities, and coordination with WP4 and WP5, the Trials testing activities were initiated, using the ARISE platform as the vessel, and the “overall upskilling action tool”, acting as the main deliverer for those actions. Trials focused on testing a sample of The Qualification Schemes to a selected number of AEC professionals.
The Trials upskilling actions further tested and validated the Qualification Framework, and its associated Unit of Learning Outcomes. It also enabled the testing of teaching materials, digital tools, and delivery methods, assessing suitability for widespread market uptake. The aim is to move the AEC Industry further towards an energy-efficient built environment, stimulating increase demand and available supply for sustainable energy skills.
While testing, ARISE aimed to increase the number of professionals upskilled in the knowledge and usage of digital tools that can help advance the Energy Efficiency cause. They also served as a basis for evaluation and future recommendations for exploitation and further market implementation, based in part on user’s feedback.
This Report also includes as appendix, the user’s feedback of the ARISE proposed Qualification Framework and methodology, related to WP6’s D6.2.
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