This report provides guidelines for use of ARISE training schemes to gain CPD points, based on the model of transaction of developed learning modules in compliance with international system of recognition, which represents deployment of the project international approach towards market appreciation and implementation of skills.

The guidelines are intended, in the first place, for managing authorities of the national qualification frameworks (to upgrade the national qualifications in AEC sectors, by new competences, up to the new needs of the energy-efficient buildings market), then professional bodies in charge of CPD system of recognition, CPD accredited providers, as well as for individual learners, professionals, managers, investors and public administration. This will contribute to an international share of experience and best practices in recognition of qualifications for sustainable energy skills in construction, with a specific focus on NZEBs (Near Zero Energy Buildings).

For that purpose, a survey and analysis were carried out, of national implementation of CPD systems in the AEC sectors in partner countries.

The analysis confirms another dimension of ARISE feature of transferability of learning achievements and competences, in continuation with previously explored inter-changeability and complementarity of learning outcomes of the analysed learning frameworks developed by previous construction skills projects (refer to Deliverable D3.1).

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