D.3.2 Maturity based model of digitization skills in sync with sustainable energy skills

This report includes a structured overview on how to develop a “Maturity based model of digitization skills in sync with sustainable energy skills”.

An introduction to the importance of upskilling in digitalisation in relation to energy efficiency is at the base of Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 describes the methodology and process used to build the model. Task based qualifications in relation to mapping of current and future skills are the backbone of the model.

The body of the model is laid out in Chapter 3. All elements from specialisms, (sub)tasks, ULOs, energy skills and maturity are described in relation to their position in the model.

The way the model relates to other work packages and deliverables in ARISE is described in Chapter 4.

Conclusions and References can be found in the Chapters 5 and 6 respectively.

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D.6.1 Package of testing materials for qualifications recognition scheme and maturity level

This report explores the approach and methodology for selecting a package of materials regarding the representation of the Qualifications Recognition Scheme and Maturity Level – being developed by WP 3, with direct contribution from other WPs (refer to ARISE deliverables 3.1 and 3.2 reporting), with the objective of conducting testing with market stakeholders.

It will summarise the proposed strategy for ARISE presentation and demonstration of the concept, and format of the Qualifications Recognition Scheme and Maturity Level, in both Consortium, and associated partner’s countries. It will further identify the type of research data to be collected, and identify a possible range of participants, for this first stage in ARISE’s overall direct market stimulus to increase demand for upskilling in sustainable energy skills strategy.

This is to be the first pre-production stage for testing ARISE’s overall methodology, and, in detail, the tools for maturity assessment, and consequent tailored signposting of users to a tailor fit pathway of qualifications scheme for recognised competencies.

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D2.3 - First overview of the national/regional qualification framework report

This report will contribute to the development of the roadmap that will bring the participating countries, and possibly all Europe, to have a platform for the recognition of competences necessary to fulfil European directives related to energy performance and digitalization.

The heterogenous situation among the member states does not allow for a unique approach, but this report provides thoughts for the definition of the roadmap bringing to a common understanding of the gaps and the needs of the current education and training systems among the participating countries

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D2.4 - First overview of other EU wide certification schemes report

The new system of training and recognition of skills that ARISE partners will develop, will be valid across the EU, thus increasing the spread of skilled workforce in the building market. All the European directives concerning the energy performance and renewable energy production as well as the directive for digitalization, foresee the qualification and or the training of the people working in the building sector. However, there is not an agreed qualification system in all Europe for many reasons.

The report starts with the presentation of the buildingSMART qualification system for BIM professionals as it is already recognised in some European countries and is a good example of the identification of the  competences through the learning outcome framework, identifying the competences needed to obtain a qualification agreed at international level. At this basic knowledge each national chapter has the possibility to add a module with national requirements.

After this first part, the report examines in depth the Directives mentioned in the Deliverable 2.1 for what concerns the certification schemes that EU member states must apply and how they have been implemented in ARISE partner’s countries.

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D.4.1 Initial materials, requirements and features report

Database Interface for Work Package 4.

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D.8.1 Dissemination and Communication Strategy

This Dissemination and Communication Plan is aimed at the consortium partners to ensure their involvement in all aspects of dissemination and communication activities, and the European Commission, in order to communicate the consortium’s strategy and report on undertaken dissemination and communication activities.

Dissemination and Communication are important within the ARISE project. They are the pillars of the ARISE approach in terms of targeting different groups and presenting the results to them, paving the way for a successful exploitation. For every category of identified stakeholders, the Communication and Dissemination strategy differs. However, the baseline message and brand remain transversal to all communication and dissemination activities.

This is the first version of the Dissemination and Communication Plan, setting out the overall strategy and planned activities for the successful dissemination of the project progress and results. Thereafter it reports on undertaken dissemination activities until M6 of the project. Additionally, this report includes the social media strategy with initial statistics on the various chosen channels and recommendations on their successful use. The dissemination material produced so far is shown in the appendix. Targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) are measured within the Dissemination and Communication Plan to monitor the performance of the strategy.

This document is constantly updated throughout the project lifespan with reports of the partners on their actual dissemination activities. It is open to all partners to comment and change the strategy where they see fit at any time. The final version will be submitted at the end of the project, as a final report on all undertaken dissemination activities.

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D.3.1 Desk research on maturity analysis of digitalization and sustainable energy skills

This report includes a description of the research and results achieved by analysis of seven frameworks of digital and sustainable energy skills in the construction sector. These frameworks have been developed by the H2020 funded projects BIMcert, Net-UBIEP, BIMEET, BIMplement, NEWCOM, the Erasmus+ funded project BIMzeED, and the international brand BuildingSmart International.

The main objectives of the research were

  1. to confirm the fundamental hypothesis of the ARISE concept of transactability of skills and competences across different frameworks,
  2. to provide basis for development of the conceptual design of the ARISE framework and method of learning transactions,
  3. to identify perspectives for continuous development of the ARISE framework, in order to meet the future demands for new competences

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D.5.1 Definition of learning methodologies, materials and delivery tools for ARISE pilot

This report is an exploration of the definition of learning methodologies, materials, delivery tools, and assessment methods focusing on the following four topics: BIMEPA, Digital Construction, BIM & Sustainability, and  lockchain. Desk research was carried out through academic papers, websites, university curricula and digital platforms. The format of the report presents a section for each of the four topics as well as an introduction and summary. The conclusion of each chapter and the final report includes recommendations for the ARISE project’s methodologies, delivery tools, materials, and assessment methods. Our suggestions and recommendations have been put forward based on the popularity of usage in the aforementioned topics found in the desk research.

The main objectives of the research were:

  1. to gain an understanding of the existing learning methodologies, materials, delivery tools, and assessment methods of the four key topics this report is focused
  2. to put forward recommendations to the ARISE partners for the learning methodologies, materials, delivery tools, and assessment methods of the ARISE platform

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D2.2 - First overview of EU directives implementation report

This report represents the starting point for the roadmap that will bring the participating countries, and possibly all Europe, to have a platform for the recognition of competences necessary to fulfil European directives related to energy performance and digitalization.

In the first part of the report, the references to the existing European legislation with the articles requiring a qualification system or adequate training to support the achievement of objectives declared in the directives are reported with the link to the official documents.

In the second part, tables reporting the implementation of these directives in the national legislation of the partners countries are listed.

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