D.7.5 Recommendations for market stimulating and supportive measures

The Report describes ARISE developed recommendations for national policy makers, public administration, investors, and building owners, intended to assist them in designing, improving and applying advanced procurement requests for construction workforce who are certified for sustainable energy and digital skills in new construction and renovation projects.

Results and findings of D7.4: Overview of best practices in market implementation of skills have been used, as well as outputs of the report D7.1, Guidelines to align ARISE learning outcomes with national qualification frameworks, describing ARISE framework potential to be matched with national qualifications framework in the fields of digital and sustainable energy skills.

The objective of Report D7.5 is to provide recommendations for market stimulating and supportive measures for enhanced demand of sustainable energy and digital skills, as well as guidelines on how to start and carry out reforms in procurement procedures, in order to implement the suggested measures.

For the purposes of this report, an example of a form of basic specification for competencies in digital and sustainable energy skills, to be applied in procurement procedures, was suggested, based on the ARISE Report D3.3 Qualification framework of sustainable energy skills leveraged by digitalisation incl. BIM.

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D.7.4 Overview of best practices in market recognition of skills

This Report presents analysis, findings and conclusions based on responses from the online survey carried out in project partner countries. The survey was implemented in two stages, firstly among the project participating organizations (Survey 1), and secondly among the national stakeholders and professionals in the field (Survey 2), in time periods April–June and June-August 2023, respectively. The
questionnaires included topics on sustainable energy skills demand in procurement procedures for building projects, in compliance with national regulatory frameworks.

The survey was used to identify best practices of market recognition and demand of sustainable energy skills on a country level, as commercial or professional procedures applied or prescribed as mandatory and effective in national regulatory frameworks.

Some of the questions were profiled to identify issues such as: consistency, completeness of competences and their transferability (international recognition) The Report on survey responses consists of two thematic parts: 1) an overview of the main features of national regulatory frameworks related to the demand for sustainable energy skills in the procurement procedures in partner countries, and 2) findings on gaps, barriers, needs and opinions for improvement of procedures for market appreciation of skills along with recommendations for share of good practices across countries.

The analysis of survey results provided a basis for development of recommendations for improving demand and recognition of sustainable energy skills, as further elaborated in Report D7.5. It will also be of use and guide for organizations involved in professional development programs.

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D.7.3 Accreditation Report – QA&QC procedure to provide high quality of upskilling

This report provides guidelines for use of ARISE training system by approved training providers. It is an output of the task 7.3 Accreditation that included activities to establish quality standards for training providers to use ARISE qualification framework, training modules and learning environment, such as registration, quality assurance with regards to delivery and verification of assessment, verification procedures for both deliveries of training and assessment of learners.

Objective of the Report 7.3 is to produce a set of guidelines intended for training providers, for their use of ARISE training and upskilling methods and platform operations, including learning management system and records of learner achievements, in training delivery.

The purpose of these Guidelines is to explain the process and methods for quality assurance and quality control of applied ARISE training system. The report includes description of approval standards for delivery, registration of learners, verification of assessment and certification.

ARISE is planned to be delivered by registered training institutions, that will be obliged to follow this specification.

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D.7.2 Guidelines for use of ARISE trainings to gain CPD points

This report provides guidelines for use of ARISE training schemes to gain CPD points, based on the model of transaction of developed learning modules in compliance with international system of recognition, which represents deployment of the project international approach towards market appreciation and implementation of skills.

The guidelines are intended, in the first place, for managing authorities of the national qualification frameworks (to upgrade the national qualifications in AEC sectors, by new competences, up to the new needs of the energy-efficient buildings market), then professional bodies in charge of CPD system of recognition, CPD accredited providers, as well as for individual learners, professionals, managers, investors and public administration. This will contribute to an international share of experience and best practices in recognition of qualifications for sustainable energy skills in construction, with a specific focus on NZEBs (Near Zero Energy Buildings).

For that purpose, a survey and analysis were carried out, of national implementation of CPD systems in the AEC sectors in partner countries.

The analysis confirms another dimension of ARISE feature of transferability of learning achievements and competences, in continuation with previously explored inter-changeability and complementarity of learning outcomes of the analysed learning frameworks developed by previous construction skills projects (refer to Deliverable D3.1).

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D.7.1 Guidelines to align ARISE learning outcomes with national qualification frameworks

This report provides guidelines for alignment of ARISE ULOs with national qualification frameworks, in the area of AEC sector, with a focus on BIM and Energy efficiency of buildings.

Based on the analysis of national frameworks, in general (their format, content and referencing to EQF) and in specifics of sustainable energy correlated competences, a compilation of ARISE ULOs has been prepared within the Deliverable 3.3  – Qualification framework of sustainable energy skills leveraged by digitalisation incl. BIM, in a format that will enable recognition and correlation with national frameworks.

This is another dimension of ARISE feature of transaction of learning achievements and competences, in continuation with previously explored inter-changeability of learning outcomes of the analysed learning frameworks developed by previous construction skills projects (refer to the report D3.1).

ARISE tends to upgrade and extend the existing competences in national frameworks, in the field of sustainable energy skills supported by digitalisation in the AEC sector, by designing upskilling and reskilling pathways, models of delivery tailored to any professional profile, sets of .ULOs and accompanying training modules.

The guidelines and explanations are supported by two analyses, outputs thereof being presented in the Appendices of this report:

  1. Presentation of method of upgrading of competences in sustainable energy skills that are prescribed by the EU Directives (Appendix 78.2),
  2. Examples of upgrading of existing national qualifications in AEC sector and sustainable energy skills, with ARISE competences in sustainable energy skills with BIM (Appendix 8.3).

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D.2.5 Overview of pathways of integration of previous EU project resources report

In the tables of this report, we examine the requirements of the Directives already considered in D2.4 “First overview of other EU wide certification schemes report” and we compare these requirements with the content already developed within the BIM EPA network or other European funded projects. In the following sub paragraph, we indicate if the directive is really implemented in each ARISE member country and add some comments when needed.
A column is added to describe the digital competences that any worker and/or professional should possess to perform any activity in any stage of the building process. In the last table the basic digital competences are listed in a separate table, and they refer to the one that have been identified by the international community of buildingSMART.

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D.2.8 European roadmap BIM applied to energy performance improvement report

This report provides inputs to develop a roadmap to get a workforce ready for the challenges of climate changes. The report starts recalling the requirements already defined in the European directives dealing with energy performance, the renewable energy sources, and the digitalization. Then, starting from the outputs of the previous deliverables, the roadmap briefly identifies the knowledge, the skills and the competences needed both on the demand side and the offer side to reach the goal of having our buildings more resilient to climate  hange and with less use of natural resources. In the second part the partners have provided the perception of the maturity level reached in their country for all the technologies considered important to improve the energy performance of the buildings.

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D2.7 - Online Self-assessment

This deliverable contains an example of the preliminary self-assessment addressed to blue and white collars who want to test their knowledge and understand if they need to fill the gap in their knowledge using the ARISE platform.
One possibility is to use this preliminary self-assessment as a fundamental “ARISE qualification” to be rewarded to people that reach a pre-defined threshold (e.g., 70% of answers to be correct). This will better engage the learner who will be interested to reach a higher maturity level.

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D2.6 - Overview of Industry technical input report

The continuous education of workers and professionals is very heterogeneous at European level. The building supply chain does not acquire new technologies timely so that producers of new technologies and materials very often perform dedicated training to their direct customers and there is no track of this training activities.
Therefore, the partners decided to make an analysis of the national situation starting from the CEDEFOP report which contains the official data the member states have provided.
Each partner has provided the analysis of the situation in the country except Portugal, as they are involved only in the platform development and North Macedonia as their data are not analyzed by CEDEFOP. Both the CEDEFOP data and the analysis of these data are reported in this deliverable.

The absence of a monitoring system on the continuous education of the building industry has different disadvantages:

  • There are not public registers for the blue and white collars to identify the competences possessed for each technology implementation
  • The time to market of new technologies relies on the capacity of the producers of materials and technologies to promote training among their customers
  • The final users do not know what is the best technical solution for them and who they should commit
  • The maintenance and the renovation of installed plants is very difficult as the end users and/or owners do not know whom to ask and what to ask

We believe that the ARISE platform can provide a solution to all the above problems.

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D.3.3 Qualification framework of sustainable energy skills leveraged by digitalisation incl. BIM

This report focuses on the development of the task-based qualification framework for renewable energy skills with digitalization as an accelerator. The main objective of this report is to establish the ARISE qualification framework that serves as a BIM resource and skills recognition pathway that all stakeholders can utilise, deliver and stimulate.

Further objectives of this report are to…

  • …contribute to continuous professional development (CPD) recognitions for digitization and sustainable energy skills in the construction sector. Upgrade national qualifications in AEC sector, particularly those related to energy efficiency of buildings,
  • …facilitate future development of an e-learning materials repository.
  • …contribute to industry-driven and accessible instruments for upskilling both blue and white collar professionals, increasing vocational mobility.
  • …facilitate future development of skills passports and registers.
  • …aim for widely recognised and standardised digital and sustainable energy skills in the construction sector.

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