Impact Monitoring Reportcoming soon
Open Institutional Forum (OIF) opened on a LinkedIn channel
First overview of EU directives implementation report
First overview of the national/regional qualification framework report
First overview of other EU wide certification schemes report
Overview of pathways of integration of previous EU project resources report
Overview of Industry technical input report
European roadmap BIM applied to energy performance improvement report
Desk research on maturity analysis of digitalisation and sustainable energy skills
Maturity based model of digitization skills in sync with sustainable energy skills
Qualification framework of sustainable energy skills leveraged by digitalisation incl. BIM
Map of available resources linked to the developed qualification framework.coming soon
Guidelines as a basis for digital implementationcoming soon
Recommendations for adaptation of the proposed recognitioncoming soon
Initial materials, requirements, and features report
Platform, including Gamification.coming soon
Definition of learning methodologies, materials, and delivery tools for ARISE pilots
Development of Handbook for use after project durationcoming soon
Package of testing materials for qualifications recognition scheme and maturity level
Survey Report – user's feedback on the competence matrixcoming soon
Package of selected digital tools for pilot deliverycoming soon
Report on workshops and upskilling actions for testing the digital toolscoming soon
Package of complete materials for delivery of sample qualificationscoming soon
Guidelines for long term evaluation, benchmarking, long term follow-up, and measuring of impactscoming soon
Guidelines to align ARISE learning outcomes with national qualification frameworks
Guidelines for use of ARISE trainings to gain CPD points
Accreditation Report – QA&QC procedure to provide high quality of upskilling
Overview of best practices in market recognition of skills
Recommendations for market stimulating and supportive measures
Report on Workshops on effective implementationcoming soon
Policy recommendation for a pan-EU common approach for sustainable energy skills recognitioncoming soon
Dissemination and communication strategy
Project visual identity
Final Report on Dissemination and Communicationcoming soon
Final project Dissemination and Communication publishable reportcoming soon